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Dating advice for men and women



Our elite dating agency has at its core, traditional values and standards.  We believe you should aim to arrive at a date before the lady you’re meeting. At very least you must arrive on time, keeping a lady waiting is not a gentlemanly thing to do.


This is not your wedding day, this is a date with someone you’ve likely never met before.  Take it from a team of exclusive dating specialists, who know what they’re talking about, you should forget any advice about being fashionably late and just show up on time.  Fingers crossed he’ll be there, ready and waiting.



Remember that this is your date too and you have the right to behave in a way that represents the values you have.  If this means you hold open the door for your date, pull out her chair, ask what she would like and then place the order for her, then this is what you should do.  If your date objects that’s fair enough, but never be afraid to be a gentleman because you fear being mislabelled, or because someone has a different opinion about the intention of your actions.  Executive dating requires the same, if not higher levels of chivalry as regular dating.


We encourage our male members to be chivalrous, however, we also maintain that if our female clients wish to be treated like ladies then they too should act as such.  Don’t feel threatened if a man wants to demonstrate how much he values your time or femininity by treating you in a respectful manner. Do be vocal with anything you’re uncomfortable with but do also recognise the intentions behind his actions.



Two things; don’t be afraid to be honest yourself and don’t be afraid of a woman’s honesty.  The more open that two people are at the start of dating, the less chance there is of surprises or avoidable challenges popping up down the road.  If you never want to get married again say so, if children are very important to you, say so.  This is your life and you’re looking for a compatible introduction from your elite dating service, not someone you need to tiptoe around.  Be sincere and sensitive in your delivery, but truthful with the words.


Don’t fear coming across as desperate or needy, simply because you have certain relationship milestones that are important to you.  Likewise, don’t worry about coming across as cold or too masculine, if you don’t necessarily fit the stereotypical mould of what is expected of women.  

As an professional international dating agency, we have matches for all types of people.  Anyone who is put off, threatened or scared by you voicing the things you want from life, is unlikely to be the match you’re looking for.

Red flags

Men + Women

Red flags on a date are things which immediately jar with you on a physical, mental or emotional level.  It’s very easy to become consumed with the desire to see the best in people, to give them the benefit of the doubt, or a second chance.  Affluent dating services see all kinds of faux pas overlooked for these reasons.  

It is possible to bank red flags in your memory but they should never, ever be ignored.  Red flags can include the way your date treats a waiter, the way they discuss an ex, or their inability to see your point of view in conversation.   These things happen for a reason and need to be used as information when deciding on second dates or indeed, full-on relationships.

Email / text tennis


Despite warnings about where, when and how to meet strangers for the first time, people can be very relaxed these days about wanting to meet as soon as possible.  It’s true we do provide discreet dating services, but safety is always the number one priority.  

It’s important to respect other members and never pressure a woman into meeting you before she has specifically indicated she is ready to do so.  In such a fast moving world it can be frustrating just sending messages back and forth, but all good things come to those who wait.  If you get tired or fed up and still your date is not interested in meeting, you have the choice to either walk away or continue waiting.


The same advice goes for you and it’s only fair you also do not pressure a man to meet you before he’s ready.  It’s easy to arrange a quick coffee in a public place, but always think about why you are rushing into it and what you are trying to gain.  Your exclusive matchmaker knows that neither of you want to continue messaging someone you may have zero in-person chemistry with, but still, be patient.

The end of the date


There’s only one real rule – well, maybe two – for the end of a date and that’s to make sure your date gets home safely.  This does not give you carte blanche to jump into her taxi, or see her to her front door, it’s as simple as sending a text message to make sure she has made it to her destination.  

The other rule from our specialist matchmaking team is to be clear if you enjoyed yourself and would like to see her again.  Don’t expect an answer or date in the diary straight away, as your lady may feel differently.  However, if she does feel the same, she will welcome your directness.


You are under no obligation for the date to end in any particular way, but feel free to communicate whether you enjoyed yourself.  It’s true that men thrive on a chase, so remember this.  It will stop you from gushing about how much you could love him, or what your children may look like, as you both wait for a taxi together.  

Sex on a first date


Don’t expect any kind of physical contact on a first date, it’s not the reason you’re there and if it is then this should have been expressly communicated by you both beforehand.  Executive dating services do not encourage sex on the first date.  We suggest all of our members wait before entering physical territory, so a different type of connection can be made first.  

Remember what your ultimate goal is, remember the talks you’ve had with your affluent dating agency and why you joined an international introductions agency in the first place.  Sex can be had with anyone, you don’t want to ruin the possibility of love by moving too quickly.


We are all comfortable advancing relationships at different paces, but our advice to you is to not sleep with your date the first time you meet him.  It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been sitting having a coffee for three hours, or at dinner together for the past five.

It can be difficult when international dating, we know, as you may not see them again for an extended length of time. However, a good date does not mean that kissing or sexual contact is inevitable.  If you are truly compatible, it can wait until next time

Playing hard to get

Men + women

Our advice to you both is to take any mixed signals as a hard no.  This cuts out the confusion and mind games and places the onus back on the other person to be clear about what their wants or intentions are.  Whilst this international dating service believes women should allow men to court and woo them in the old fashioned sense, we don’t promote purposefully being unkind or insincere with another person’s emotions or time.

Text at a pace that seems comfortable to you both, call when you want to. There is a huge gap between being interested and overly eager, so don’t worry about showing how you feel if your date appears to be responsive.

Paying the bill


Elite matchmakers are asked this all the time by both men and women and we take a very clear stance on the topic.  Men, if you have asked a woman out then you pay the bill.  If she insists on going Dutch more than once, then you need to make a judgement call based on your interaction so far.  Most women will at least offer to pay as a courtesy.  Your eagerness to take her up on the offer will leave an impression and most likely not a good one, if you’re too hasty to agree.  This is regardless of her own financial status.


Let him pay the bill if he wants to and if he sees it as a chivalrous act.  This is especially important if your date has arranged the dinner, or picked the location of the meeting.  It doesn’t mean that he necessarily pays every time you go out, or that you can’t later buy him a drink at the bar.


Men + Women

Working with an exclusive dating service is good protection from ghosting if it happens in the early stages of a relationship, as we will always follow up with members for feedback on dating progress.  

Ghosting, or disappearing from someone’s life without rhyme, reason or explanation is never acceptable.  We encourage a basic level of courtesy in all our member-to-member interactions and this means communicating any changes of heart or circumstance.  Treat people as you would wish to be treated yourself.

Over sharing

Men + Women

It’s really important that you are both mindful of the appropriateness of anything you’re sharing.  This can mean excessively discussing your ex and everything that went wrong in your previous relationship, to quirkier bits of information that are best reserved for when you know each other better.  It’s not to say you should be hiding anything, but the purpose of a date is to get to know each other on a personal level.  

Anyone who is paying attention and a good listener will quickly pick up on the fact you’re not over your ex, that you’re only looking for a mother to your children, or some such other unattractive quality.  You don’t want people reading you wrong or seeing red flags, just because you’ve overstepped the boundaries of conversation a little.

Know when to move on

Men + women

If you go on a date and feel zero connection, mentally, physically or emotionally, then the advice from our international matchmakers is to move on.  Whilst it can indeed take a couple of dates for the nerves to settle down and really get to know someone, you do also have to on occasion, go with your gut feelings.  If there is nothing there then there is nothing there.  Agreeing to go on further dates can get the hopes up of the other member, and you also run the risk of falling into a relationship that is in no way right for you.

Always meet in public

Men + women

Yes this may seem like an obvious one, but people have become so blasé about dating these days that you would be surprised at the basic safety mistakes being made.  The thing you must always absolutely do when you are going on a date, whether arranged by your elite matchmaker or not, is meet in a public place, tell someone where you are going and update them if you change locations at all.  Never take your safety for granted or assume that it is being taken care of by someone else.  This goes for men and women.

Know your intentions

Men + women

Before every date, remind yourself why you’re actually going and what you would like to achieve from it, in the best-case scenario.  Sometimes we can get so swept up in the dating world that from person to person we lose sight of the ultimate goals.  Clarifying the reason you’re going before each date, with yourself and your specialist matchmaker, will make it easier to communicate to the person you’re meeting and also keep you focused.