Technology and Dating

2020 through to 2021 and incoming variants continuing has proved challenging or real-life social interactions. It’s been hard to meet people. 
It started because we were confined and has evolved into a change in how we interact. We spend more time getting to know each other, communication has become more meaningful, and the pandemic became a unique global icebreaker, a common enemy which both opened up opportunities to relate and open doors to creative thinking about how to date. 
We are all Zoom experts now. However, are we using technology to its best advantage when augmenting a long distance or Covid restricted relationship or is there a trick or two to learn…?  
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology which allows overlaying text, sound, pictures or video onto the physical world around us using smartphones or monitors. You may not notice it but it’s been around for some time, for example filters of dogs or rainbows or even 3D avatars to make interactions more playful. It’s a fun way to communicate and express yourself and share a laugh or two, the core of any lasting relationship.

Virtual Reality (VR) creates a virtual simulation through a special handset. 5G technology is widening appeal and it is fast becoming a fun adjunct to the dating scene. VR tech and dating work well together - you can take your date on a date to a foreign country, or even another planet, even if you live thousands of miles apart. There are VR suits catering to almost any experience.

AR and VR, used carefully, not only provide a way for people to continue dating lives from home without losing a sense of engagement but offer a porthole to deepening a virtual relationship in preparation for that real life meet.

While Berkeley International takes away the stress of meeting new people by face to face interviews, in depth analysis, unsurpassed membership and using our experience in exclusive introductions [/] to provide the best match possible, sometimes time and/or geographical constraints might mean our clients are unable to meet physically as quickly as they’d like. AR and VR technology has come a long way in a short time and the media portrayal of VR techies playing 24/7 out of windowless basements eating potato crisps is a distant speck in the rear view mirror. It’s not for everyone but it can be fun!