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Dating Diary: Two Dates and a Revelation Late Summer 2024

August 12th  
I never thought I would join a dating agency, let alone one as exclusive as Berkeley International, but after my last relationship ended in a spectacularly uneventful fizzle, I decided it was time to take a different approach. Who knows? Maybe having someone else pick out potential partners would save me from my own questionable taste in men.
Tonight, I had my first date through Berkeley with Michael. He’s exactly what I envisioned when I signed up: tall, handsome, and impeccably dressed. We met at a chic wine bar downtown, the kind of place where you almost feel guilty ordering anything less than a vintage red. The conversation flowed easily, like a well-rehearsed play. Michael talked about his career in finance, his passion for sailing, and his recent trip to the Amalfi Coast. He’s charming, successful, and clearly knows how to make an impression.
But as the evening went on, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him, I did, but it felt more like a pleasant interaction between colleagues than the spark of something more. Still, I figured it was just first-date nerves. He asked to see me again, and I agreed. After all, it could have been an off night for both of us.
August 19th  
My second Berkeley date was with George. He wasn’t what I expected. Where Michael was polished, George was... well, let’s just say he had a more relaxed approach to life. He’s a writer, which immediately intrigued me, but when we met at a cozy little café, he was ten minutes late. My first instinct was to write him off, pun intended, but when he finally arrived, looking a bit flustered with an apologetic grin, I found myself smiling back.
George has this way of making you feel at ease, like you’ve known him forever. We talked about everything from our favorite books to the weirdness of online dating. He made me laugh, really laugh, in a way I hadn’t in a long time. But there was something else too, a depth to him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. He wasn’t as obviously impressive as Michael, but there was a warmth to him, a sincerity that made the evening feel like more than just a date.
Still, I didn’t think much of it when the night ended. It was a good date, sure, but not earth-shattering. I was still holding out hope for that second date with Michael, hoping it might reignite the spark that seemed to be missing the first time.
September 1st  
I had that second date with Michael, and while it was nice, it confirmed what I’d been trying to ignore. Michael is everything I thought I wanted, but the chemistry just isn’t there. We’re like two puzzle pieces that look like they should fit together, but no matter how you turn them, they don’t quite align.
In the days following, I found my thoughts drifting back to George. His easy smile, the way he listened, really listened, when I spoke. I realized I was looking forward to our next date in a way I hadn’t felt with Michael. When I finally saw him again, it hit me like a ton of bricks, I’d been so focused on finding someone who fit my ideal that I almost missed the one who made me feel like myself.
Tonight, as we sat on a park bench sharing an ice cream, I realised that George, with all his quirks and imperfections, was exactly what I needed. He wasn’t the obvious choice, but he was the right one.
Sometimes, the best things come in the most unexpected packages. And as I sit here writing this, I can’t help but smile, because for the first time in a long time, I think I might have found something real.