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5 irresistible traits women look for in a man

Everyone’s different, we know that. Some women prefer taller men, some are only interested if you’re childfree and CEO of your own company. What we’re not trying to do here is give you a definitive list of what the woman you’re dating may be looking for, but instead showcase the traits you can’t go wrong with. Whilst the finer details are wholly dependent on the individual you’re with, here are some winning combinations to ensure you begin on the right foot.


It sounds like a cliché but clichés exist for a reason. Making a woman laugh is one of the first ways you can access some less guarded and uncomplicated moments with her. People let go when they laugh, it’s difficult to restrain yourself when you find something genuinely funny and it’ll give you a window into who she is when she’s enjoying herself. Humour also gives people the opportunity to put their unique spin on things, share their perspective of the world and demonstrate how they feel about a whole range of topics. Life will naturally provide you with all the seriousness you want, so show that you’re a good sport by making the lighter moments even better and diffusing any awkward ones.


We guarantee that the woman you’re dating doesn’t want to mother you, be your sister or your safety net. Women adore a man who is first and foremost able to take care of himself and any immediate responsibilities he may have. Whether it’s children, a stable job or a home, showing that you are both accountable and present in looking after those parts of your life, is highly attractive. This doesn’t mean you have to be some sort of Superman, but being dependable will ease the doubts of any woman wanting a man who takes his life seriously.


In the world of dating and eligibility, there’s absolutely no point being stable and humorous if you treat people like servants or inferior beings. Unfortunately, this is where a lot of people, men and women, can slip up when they reach a certain position of power in their lives. Showing kindness extends from the waiter in a restaurant to your partner’s friends, or even the grace with which you discuss previous relationships and current experiences. It’s extremely easy in the disposable and fast-moving society that we live, to take people and actions for granted. Showing appreciation and gratitude is always noticed, so don’t underestimate its importance.


Mindfulness has got us all focused on the present moment and appreciating the now but when it comes to dating, a woman wants to know you have either a plan or a preference for the future. Do you have places you’d like to travel, would you like to get married, have children, change careers? What are you aiming for in life? Even if you’re all for taking life in your stride and seeing what comes along, it’s easier for a woman to assess compatibility if she knows what you’re working towards in life.


Who doesn’t value honesty? Don’t be afraid to tell a woman the truth, regardless of whether it’s what she wants to hear. If you’re only looking for fun, say so. If you’re looking a long term love, or wouldn’t date anyone who doesn’t share certain beliefs, then say so. When dating we always advise that you begin as you mean to go on and honesty, with tact and kindness, is a winner in relationships. Dating isn’t always about getting the other person to see you as a perfect human being, it’s about showing each other who you are and basing any potential future together on that. If you would like some help in meeting new people then why not get in touch [] with one of Berkeley's exceptional matchmakers [] today?