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4 Tips to Make Summer Dates Sizzle

Dates in summertime have the wonderful advantage of relaxed atmospheres, warm sunshine and seemingly endless possibilities for fun and adventure. With this can come the easy feeling that anything goes and that dates need be a little less formal than one would otherwise expect. To some extent this is true, turning up suited and booted may indeed look odd in the blazing sunshine, but in some cases it really pays to put in the extra effort and not take too much for granted. When hoping for a loving and lasting relationship, there are a few simple ways to help summer dates develop from a lovely day out, into much more.


Yes, your sunglasses are practical, probably ultra stylish and most likely your staple accessory throughout the coming summer months. The problem is however, that people in their bid to avoid squinting, tend to forget that eye contact is one of the easiest, sexiest, honest and most genuine ways of connecting with another person. Eye to eye communication on dates should never be disregarded and should always be factored into getting to know someone. Make the effort from time to time to remove your shades and don’t be shy about asking for the same in return. It shows that you’re interested in your date.


The heat, especially when we live in places where we aren't used to it, can flip an internal switch that sends us straight into holiday mode. What does this mean? Well, depending on the type of person you are, this can mean suddenly believing that flip flops, trainers, caps and even homemade denim shorts are suitable date attire. Needless to say, it’s a good idea to question the ways in which warm weather changes the way you might normally dress or act. Minor changes shouldn't pose too much of a problem, for example if you’re a woman and decide to wear pumps instead of heels or a guy who fancies short sleeves instead of long. Just don’t get too comfortable too soon, casual is good but remain thoughtful.


Perspiration, unless you’re made of stone, is a natural part of summer for both men and women. Guys, there’s no point hoping we can’t see the damp patches on your shirt and for ladies, it’s okay to have hands that maybe are a little more moist than usual. The important thing is to be adult about it and not be put off by one another. As long as you keep the eau de toilette topped up and a fresh set of clothes for any evening events – this small issue shouldn't get in the way of a good time. Carrying a hanky for men or tissues for ladies is always advisable, as well as not being too embarrassed to make a joke out of it. Try also to avoid planning dates that might exasperate the situation, such as overly crowded events with little or no air conditioning.


Whilst lavish and luxurious experiences are usually encouraged, the bright summer evenings and airy days can make even the most simple outings feel somewhat extravagant or special. Think strolling through country gardens or dining al fresco on fresh salads and fruits, instead of dark restaurants and heavy, multi-course dinners. Often, when we’re on holiday in warmer settings we can be super adventurous and dedicated to organising new experiences and adventures for ourselves. Do the same this summer, do what the tourists do and don’t take proximity for granted. Make an effort to seek out new or old experiences with a twist, in your own hometown. Berkeley International is an internationally recognised elite dating agency []. Let us find you love anywhere Contact us [] today.This article was guest written by Tori Ufondu, Mindset Breakthrough Coachw: [] | sm: @tori_ufondu []