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10 Spontaneous Things To Do This Summer

Make this summer one to remember by being spontaneous and doing all those things you’ve thought about, but never tried. You have little to lose and a whole lot to gain.


We see it in the movies and TV shows, couples diving naked into pools and rivers, but how many of us have actually had the pleasure ourselves? Admit it, there’s always been a slight intrigue inside you about sharing a moment like this with someone. Engage in your wilder side this summer and give it a go, if you dare.


Too many of us think that funfairs and theme parks are purely the domain of young children and teenagers. This is completely untrue. Take a step back into childhood by buying a couple of priority passes and having a day of unbridled fun. Hold hands on the romantic rides, scream together on the scary ones. Spend the day snacking on candy and eating junk food. You only live once.


There’s nothing like cruising along on a hot summer’s day with the wind at your sails or flowing through your hair. The freedom it gives you can make you feel like the world is yours for the taking, so be sure to fully embrace it and enjoy it to the maximum. Experienced as a couple alone or with close friends, long country drives or slow day trips on the water never felt so satisfying.


Not enough people take the time to really get in sync with nature or connect with it on a physical level. Simple treats this summer, such as taking your shoes off at that picnic, or sitting on the grass without a blanket can be really soothing experiences for you to share together. Take it even further by packing a book of poetry and reading to one another.


Watching a movie outdoors, on a large screen with the warm summer air around you and the stars in full view, is the height of romance. Choose something calm and fun to watch, possibly an old black and white classic, and just allow yourself to soak into the atmosphere of it all.


Forests during summer can be places of glorious wonder. If you’re lucky and depending on where you live, you may get the chance to see bluebells, dear, rabbits, birds and all manner of other wildlife. Strap on a good pair of walking boots, take some water, a few snacks and off you go. If one of you has a pet dog to take along, even better.


Typically perceived as the activity of students on gap year, fruit picking can be a fun and rewarding way to enjoy an hour or so together. The best part is taking your haul home and making a delicious dessert together, to have after your evening meal.


You don’t have to be a big wine drinker to appreciate a vineyard or the effort that goes into the wine making process. The walks can be sublime, the history and sampling of the varieties can also be both fun and educational. If you’re able, have a go at stomping the grapes too, just make sure you’re not wearing your best summer whites.


At least once in everyone’s life they should attend a party that they perhaps weren’t technically invited to. Being in a room or garden full of strangers for some reason can feel extremely liberating. It can allow you to just have fun without any pressure to be what people usually expect of you. So, if you and your partner happen to be going past a reception or private bar booking, just nip in and find out what it’s all about.


Whether this means at the real Olympic sized pool you have in your garden, or a paddling pool you bought at the supermarket three years ago, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is you, your partner and any guests getting in the mood and making it as glamorous as possible. Create cocktails and serve delicious food. As far as you’re concerned, you’re at the Beverley Hills and having a whale of a time. For more information on how Berkeley International can help find you love this summer visit our how we work [] page. Or click here [] to fill in our discrete enquiry form.